Rostron Avenue, Ardwick, Manchester, M12 5NP

0161 273 4654

Armitage CE Primary School

"Aiming High"



Hi My name is Mrs English and I am one of the SENDcos here at Armitage. It is my job to support children with Special Educational Needs and their families. We are an inclusive school and aim to meet all children’s needs through planning and implementing provision to ensure children reach their full potential. During this process we will often involve our Speech and Language Therapist, Educational Psychologist and other services where needed. We love hearing how much our children thrive when we have the right support in place! 


Hi, My name is Mrs Clark and I am one of the SENDCos at Armitage. The best part of my job is working closely with children with SEND and their families. We work as a multi agency team to try to meet the needs of learners by adapting the curriculum and providing additional support to those that need it. This could be as part of a communication and interaction intervention in The Fab or a nurture group for children with social, emotional and mental health needs. At Armitage, we greatly understand the importance of early identification and intervention for pupils with SEND so we are heavily involved in transition and provision mapping for EYFS pupils. We work extremely flexibly to meet the ever changing needs of our pupils.

SENDIASS Manchester

SENDIASS Manchester offer information, advice and support to children, young people and parents/carers about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). This includes health and social care where it is linked to education. They are a free, dedicated, confidential and impartial service based in Manchester. 

Local Offer

Each local authority has now published a 'Local Offer' so that parents can see what support schools in the area can offer them. Primary schools in Manchester contributed to this by sending them details of support available for children and families at their particular school. Attached below is a document to show what we provide as a school. We have also included a link to Manchester City Council's Local Offer.

To view our SEND Policy and SEND Report, please visit our Federation site by clicking HERE.

More info...


About Us

Armitage C of E Primary School prides itself in being an inclusive mainstream school which aims to ensure that all children achieve their full potential, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational need in line with the British Values.

Our ability to meet the needs of all pupils including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is central to the aims and values of our school and we work closely with all parents/carers, children, Governors and outside agencies to ensure that all children have access to the highest quality teaching and learning and are able to develop a thirst for knowledge and learning whilst at Armitage C of E Primary School.

Armitage Primary school is an inner city school which caters for children age 3-11. Over the past few years we have moved from a one to two form entry school – we are now fully two form. From January 2019 we will be launching our 2-year-old provision at the Link.  This report outlines the key indicators in educating all pupils with Special Education Needs or Disabilities (SEND).


Types of SEND provided for

Education and support is provided for children with a wide range of special educational needs and disabilities. We work with children who currently have an Educational Health Care Plan for special educational needs and also with children who have a learning resource agreement. There are children at our school who have a diagnosis of ASD, ADHD, moderate and significant learning disabilities are hearing impaired or who have been identified as having social and emotional issues that can also act as a barrier to learning. We also support children with speech and language impairments.


Identifying and assessing the needs of children

Partnership working is very important in helping to ensure that any child who transfers to our setting with additional needs of any kind has their needs identified quickly and accurately. This allows us to plan for a successful transition to school and we work very closely with our local pre-school and with parents and other professionals to ensure that this partnership working is in place. 

The teacher or SENCO will liaise with parents and any previous education providers and will attend any relevant meetings prior to the child starting school, to ensure that the school has a clear understanding of every child’s needs and to ensure a smooth transition is made.

All children entering the school are assessed to form a baseline of attainment. If necessary, a further assessment of their communication needs or physical needs will be carried out in liaison with outside agencies e.g. speech and language therapy or health services.

The school follows the graduated approach as set out in the SEND Code of Practice 2014. Class teachers are responsible for the teaching, learning and assessment of pupils in their class. They are supported by the SENDCO throughout this cycle and a highly skilled SEND team within the school. At half termly pupil progress review meetings, children can be identified as requiring further assessment or support.


Consultation with parents

Parent’s permission will be obtained for any form of outside agency support. Parents will be actively encouraged to attend any professional or review meetings where appropriate that will help support their child. Armitage welcomes the views of parents so that we can best support their child.


Reviewing progress towards outcomes

At pupil progress meetings, review meetings and parent’s evenings, the SENDCo(s), parents, class teacher and any other professional that has been involved will discuss the child’s progress towards their targets or outcomes set. Targets and outcomes can then be altered appropriately for the next cycle of assess, plan, do review. Depending on the age of the child, the pupil’s views will also be taken into account.


Support during transition

Every child regardless of need has a planned transition between year groups and between Key Stages within school. Class teachers meet to hand over any relevant information/documentation and plan for additional visits for the child into their new class, if needed. If the child received support from a teaching assistant, then that individual will also support the transition process but may not move to the new class with the child. Armitage also puts into place extra support and transition visits for both pupils and parents when they are in Year 6 and are preparing to move to high school.


Teaching approaches for children with SEND

We are an inclusive school and strive to ensure that all pupils achieve their full potential through quality first teaching. All lessons are differentiated to meet the needs of all children in the class. Children may work in small ability groups, or when necessary in a 1:1 situation. Interventions are carefully chosen and matched to meet children’s needs and the effectiveness of these is monitored regularly throughout the year. The school’s aim is to develop the independence and skills of all pupils with SEND by making appropriate adaptations.


Adaptations to the curriculum and learning environment

The curriculum and teaching sequences are adapted to meet the needs of individual children and their different learning styles. Armitage takes all reasonable steps to modify/adapt the learning environment to meet the individual needs of the children e.g. visual timetables, now and next boards, alternative methods of recording, task boxes etc. Quiet areas may be designated for pupils who work better in a low distraction environment. There is also a sensory space as well as mental well-being area for children to access.


Expertise and training for staff, including specialist expertise

Staff are provided with a wealth of professional development opportunities. Appropriate staff are identified to receive level one Autism Awareness training where this supports their role. Identified staff also access outreach support from Rodney House, The Birches and also attend sessions of support from the Grange.


All staff have received Dyslexia, Working Memory, and Mental Health training in the past year. Identified staff have had training in social stories and on our provision mapping and IEP writer software ‘Edukey’ which will help to broaden teacher’s subject knowledge. Appropriate staff are trained in Team Teach handling. Identified staff will receive training and advice from our Educational Psychologist and Speech and Language therapist following assessments. All staff have received level one safeguarding training and there is a high proportion of staff who are Designated Safeguarding Leads.  


Evaluating the effectiveness of provision

All children identified as benefiting from intervention/support are monitored against the progress they are making; this is normally at the half termly pupil progress meetings. Class teachers evaluate lessons on a daily basis which then informs planning. Book scrutiny, lesson monitoring and learning walks provide effective feedback for staff to accelerate the progress children make. Task books and weekly record progress sheets are also evaluated by the SEND team and feedback is given as appropriate. IEP targets are evaluated and set on a termly basis but can also be altered at any time where appropriate to meet the needs of the child. We have an Art Therapist, a Learning Mentor, therapeutic Drama teacher and offer therapeutic Yoga. Termly therapeutic/pastoral meetings evaluate the work done with children who are accessing these interventions and may be displaying signs of social and emotional and behavioural issues. The Inclusion Team report regularly to our Governors about the progress of children who require SEND support.


How children with and without SEND are integrated for activities

All children, regardless of needs, are included in all school trips or enrichment activities where possible. Where needed, reasonable adaptations can be made to ensure that the child is safe. All children play on the playground at break and lunch times. The only exception to this is when a child may be deemed to be unsafe outside. In this circumstance, the child may be offered a place in our lunch time club to help minimise the risk to any of the children on the playground. Children with SEND are encouraged to join after school activities.


Support for development of emotional and social skills

Armitage has a therapeutic space within the school that is used on a weekly basis by our Art Therapist. He works to support children who are displaying signs of emotional and social issues and helps prepare them for learning. We also have a learning mentor, Therapist of Yoga and offer Therapeutic Drama to support children with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties. We work closely with an Educational Psychologist who can also help us support these children.    


Arrangements for dealing with complaints about the provision for pupils with SEND

Parents can come into school and discuss any concerns with the SENDCO’s, Layla English and Kate Clark, the Inclusion manager, Carolyn Doherty or the Head Teacher, Gaynor Stubbs. They can put their complaint into writing if these discussions fail. Parents can contact the Information, Advice and Support Service on 0161 209 8356 or by emailing


Who to contact regarding SEND at Armitage CofE Primary School?

The SENDCos are Layla English and Kate Clark. They can be contacted on 0161 273 4654 or by email on

Carolyn Doherty is the Inclusion Manager and can be contacted on